Big Hair... Really Don't Care!!

In my previous post I told you I would show you how I achieved my big hair while I was in Atlantic city. The night before I did a medium size twist out and rolled my ends. I let them set over night and took them out the following morning. When I took the twist out I was still at my house and haven't left for Atlantic City yet. I did not separate my curls until it was time to go out. I wanted the curls from the rollers to drop a little before I separated them. I put olive oil on my hands and began to separate. Now I usually achieve my big hair from my hair pick but, I forgot it at home. In the hotel they did have a blow dryer so I decided to use that. For me to achieved volume I stretched my hair at the roots and place the blow dryer direct on that spot. Placing the blow dryer right at the roots gives the hair lift and volume. Once I was done stretching my hair I took the blow dryer and started shaking my head all around to give that care free look. At the end I got big hair with wavy definition. How do you achieve your big hair?? Leave your comments below!!

 XOXO Liva <3


  1. how long did it take for you to finish your hair.. and i LOVE your make up looks.. Can you show us how you do your makeup soon??

  2. You and your hair are beautiful! Where's the video?

  3. Thank you so much for the complements. ..and im sorry i dont do videos :(
