Lets Talk Shrinkage!!!

             Hello Everyone!! So this week's topic is going to be about Shrinkage. Yes the number one thing every natural hates. My opinion on shrinkage is that I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! I love it because it gives me the chance to fool people about the length of my hair. Now yes sometimes I want to show my full length of my hair but thats the thing about natural hair, it shrinks up. For us to have beautiful bouncy curls we have to have shrinkage. Now if we go back to the typing chart you can see from 3a down to the 4c has tighter curls than 1a to 2c. Due to those tighter curls the hair is going to shrink up more than the other hair types. My whole thing is lets just embrace our hair.  Curly hair shrinks up no way to change it , prevent it or hide it. Plain and simple as that. My hair personally to me is easier and looks better when it shrinks up. It's a shake and go situation. I'm the type of person that like to sleep to the last minute before work. When I straightened my hair I realized that I had to wake up 30 minutes earlier just to take down and style my hair. Thats not for me at all! When my hair is in its natural state and it shrunken... oh yes lord its a breeze!!! My Fro is what I like to call instant chic! It instantly looks great after I fluff it and shake it. I know everyone is different and every hair type is different but, we all have one thing in common and that is shrinkage. I think its time we start embracing it and love it for what it is. What are you opinion on your shrinkage?? Do you feel like your confidence level goes down when your hair has shrunken up? Please let me know I love to hear your opinion!! Don't forget to follow my page!!!
Here is a picture of my hair shrinkage vs. a semi-blow out. 
XOXO Liva!
Natural hair 

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