To Hair Type or Not to Hair Type???

                Hey Naturalistas!! Today's topic of discussion is something that has been talked about for a long time in the natural hair community and that is HAIR TYPING. Now some of you may not know what hair typing is. Hair typing is a chart that hair stylist came up with to categorize the different types of curly hair. For the last couple of years there have been a lot of controversy on the hair typing system.  I personally feel like the hair typing system isn't a bad idea. Now yes there are some people who have the hair who necessarily don't see their "curl pattern" on the chart, but its not for that. This chart is here to help you see what category you may fall under to identify with the women (or men in some cases) who have the same hair type as you. When you find other people with the same hair type as you, you can relate to them with the same issues they are having with their hair, hair care techniques and products that works great with their type of hair. Saying "Oh I have type 4b hair!" is better than saying "Oh I have Nappy hair!" Sometimes in this community we focus on a lot of negatives instead of positives when it deals with natural hair. At the end of the day your hair is your hair that God has blessed you with. Whether is 1a hair or 4c hair all hair is beautiful and its time to embrace it and use the guidelines that was provided to help us embrace one another. Please leave a comment and let me know what are some of your opinions on the hair typing system. Do you like it or not?? and if not why not?


  1. I am a blogger as well To answer your question my hair is type 4c. The hardest thing about "dealing" with this type of hair is keeping it moisturized and wondering how everyone's hair is shoulder length at two years and in two years I still have a TWA. I haven't mastered how to take care of this type of hair yet but I am hoping with patience it will be how I want it. I hope to see you blog about this topic soon! Great read!

  2. Hi Professional Rebels!! I am around 4b 4c my self.. and my hair is shoulder length.. The best way to keep your hair long and moisturized is what oil and conditioner and make sure you cut your hair every 3 months. Thank you so much for reading and I have spoken about this topic in my last blog post "reality of my natural hair". Thanks so much for reading and please spread the word!!
