Praying makes your hair grow?? Say What?!?!?

So Ladies the other day I was on youtube and I saw a video with a women saying that she prayed for a big afro and she got it! She kept reading the scripture from 1 Corinthians  11:15 which says "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering." Now yes I am a Christian and take religion very seriously. I thought this was a great topic to talk about because its amazing how even back in biblical days women was always seen with long hair. Now in 2014 long hair is still considered a "glory" to her but not for her "covering" but for her enhancement of beauty. Not all women feel this way but all the celebrities and everyday women either have long wigs or weaves, or trying everything possible to make her hair grow. It is embedded in us that long hair is beauty. From my point of view its not always about the length of the hair but it is about the health of your hair. You can have long hair all day if you wanted to but if your hair is not healthy then it is not beautiful. Seeing this youtube video opened up my mind and made me think is this the number one thing we have to do to make our hair grow? Now I know that God takes longer to do things but when you ask it shall be recived with hardwork. Lets just get back to the basics pray, eat healthy and lets take it from there! I would like to know what do you think about this?? Do you think this really works?? Do you even want long natural hair?? COMMENT AND FOLLOW ME!! Until next time ladies!! Natural hair 


  1. It does work!! Case in point: When I went natural I literally prayed for a while for my hair (and got a few doubtful chuckles from family members). I was trying everything on any hair blogs and groups I could find but I didn't see the results I wanted, it was frustrating. Then I started praying for specific things pertaining to my hair goals: health and length retention, and I carried on with my ever-changing regimen. Not long after that I started to land on hair blog posts that were RELEVANT TO ME… and I discovered products that were RIGHT FOR ME. Yes, my hair still takes work, but I am finally on the right track.
    He directs our steps... especially if we ask ;)

  2. I believe in the power of prayer. I pray for everyone who sits in my chair. I also believe that we should take care of our bodies from the inside out by drinking water and eating healthy and you will see the difference in your skin, hair and nails
