Who are we getting pretty for?? (Natural Hair vs. Weave)

      So I'm here with another Natural hair topic. As most of you know my birthday was last month and as a birthday present to my self, I decided to put a weave in. Now before I placed the weave in I was telling people what I was going to do with my hair. All my girlfriends were excited for me and said how nice I was going to look with it. I got nothing but positive feed back when I actually got the weave from women. So many compliment from women. If you notice in my last two sentences I'm putting emphasis on "WOMEN". The men on the other hand ( all of my male friends) were very unhappy and upset when I told them I was getting a weave. When I actually got it all of my male friends told me it looks okay, but when I have my natural hair all of them say how beautiful my hair looks and how I have such natural beauty. What I'm basically trying to get at is men see women differently than how we see our selves. Most men that I have met love natural beauty and not all of them like fake things. We as women add fake hair, nails, make-up, etc to enhance ourselves for the opposite sex. Now I know that I didn't need the weave I just wanted a different look. I wear weave mostly once or twice a year. When I did little statistics in my head I realized that women are making themselves pretty because that's what we think men like but, in reality most men like us natural. I would love to know what your thoughts are on this topic! How do you feel about men loving naturals or men loving women with weave?? If your a man what do you prefer? Leave a comment and follow me for more topics like this! Until next time.


  1. I agree! As crazy as it may seem women do things to enhance themselves for other women. Even something as little as nail polish. I have never dated a guy whos cared about my nail polish or the color, but the minute I get mine done women are pulling my hand out complimenting me. Or even when it comes to buying a handbag. Men could care less if you're purse is from h&m or gucci, but well go out of our way to buy the gucci bag to impress other women. When it comes to us women, its like we're in an ongoing silent competition

  2. Wow this is so true!! I found my self wear weaving all the time. but my boyfriend says how beautiful i look without it. I dont know i guess its just a self consicious thing. Great topic though!

  3. My man says the same thing! He wants me to be ALL NATURAL and I haven't really mastered the art of natural hair which I get frustrated so I put weave in or wear wigs to get the results I want I can't with my natural hair...I hope we come to a balance soon! Good post by the way
