Furry Furs with La Fiorentina!

Hey guys, so recently I have landed an internship with a fashion company called La Fiorentina. Its European fashion with American style. They specialize in outerwear like luxury/faux furs, fashion scarfs and accessories. While working here I am able to try on the clothes and give you an idea of behind the scenes of a fashion showroom. In the first picture I am wearing a mink fur poncho in dark brown. I chose this stye because it is very comfortable and warm. Here in New York City it is very cold outside and this is a great way to bundle up. As you can see I am a curvy girl and I was able to fit this sample. Their sizes run true to size with great quality. I also added matching ear muffs to keep my ears warm.  These are 100% all over mink ear muffs that are super fabulous and chic! The second piece I am wearing is a fur vest. The fur is 100% lynx. I seriously loved this vest. It was very comfortable, warm and chic everything a girl needs. The unique part of this vest was the hood. I really liked the hood because it keeps you warm but it still keeps looking stylish. I enjoyed playing dress up with La Fiorentina's luxury furs. If you are interested in these items or others, check out their website at www.Lafiorentina.com. They have luxury to affordable items on their website. I will be playing dress up again to show you different items they have. What do you think of the pieces I have chosen? What items would you like me to wear that is located on their website? Leave a comment below. Until next time!



  1. You chose some awesome ensemble. I love both and they look great on you. La Fiorentina has some good stuffs. - Animal prints on fleek! :)
    *Have a lovely weekend and Happy Val's Day..*


  2. Love these pieces!!!.. You look so pretty! Im getting the vest!

  3. Nice fur.
    Happy Valentines day. I'm giving away beauty products of a value of 200€. Visit my blog to enter <3

  4. Thank you so much everyone!! If you are interested in the pieces check out their website... The link is in the post. Thank you so much for the support!
