Girl you better trim those ends!

Lets talk about hair trimming. Who actually likes to get there hair trimmed? I bet about 80% of you don't because you want to hold on to that length. Well lets be real, you're holding on to your length is actually stunting your hair growth. Your hair grows about an inch every four months. A professional stylist would say you need to trim your hair every four months when that inch grows in. Personally, I feel that everyone hair grows differently. So I trim my hair every time I feel the need to. There is not a specific amount I get trimmed its just whatever I need to be cut. Another thing, I get my hair trimmed by someone else. I use to trim my own ends but, when I would straighten my hair it was very uneven. Letting a professional trim your ends especially in the natural state would be more beneficial for you and your hair. So it can continue to grown evenly. Don't hold on to those raggedy because your hair is not going to be happy and will just break off. How often do you trim your ends? Are you a victim of holding on to that length? Comment below and let me know! Until next time!

XOXO Liva!!


  1. men i hate cutting my hair or rather trimming because at the end of the day, the knots still come back. And yes i do hold on to length lool.

  2. How often do you trim your hair?? or do you not even trim it?

  3. Hehe....I do very often. Great post and you've a lovely hair. :)
